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Интервью с Теслой: 10 Июля 1911 года (Часть 3)
Marc J. Seifer, Ph.D. MetaScience Publications
The following morning, the seeker, who was staying at the Waldorf, was awakened by a pecking at his window. When he opened the shade to take a look, a white dove flew in and settled on his web-linked cellular. The bird cocked his head and cooed. Stepping on the
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Интервью с Теслой: 10 Июля 1911 года (Часть 1)
THE TESLA INTERVIEW Marc J. Seifer, Ph.D. MetaScience Publications, Box 32,Kingston, RI 02881 July 10, 1911
It was a warm winter morning in the new millennium. The seeker hailed a cab for the New York Public Library, strolled over to Bryant Park and waited as he was told. It was not too long before he noticed a tall, exceedingly thin gentleman feeding pigeons at a nearby bench. The man wore a long black coat, colorful scarf, and a der
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